Friday, March 1, 2019

What are simple eye exercises for professionals with a day-long sitting job?

Sedentary lifestyle takes a toll of our body. Long duration, spent in front of the computer, leaves our body in ache. Before we know, we develop different kinds of ailments, which require medical attention. We end up taking medicines. But instead, if we can pay a little attention and make a few little adjustments, then we may be able to nip the pay at the bud. Some ergonomic adjustments to our workstation and doing some simple stretches can reduce the daily discomfort significantly. It will boost your sense of job satisfaction and overall happiness.

Of course, if the pain refuses to subside, then you must consult a good physician. He will try and find out the underlying problems and prescribe apropos glasses for men and women both. But with the below-mentioned exercises and tips, you may be able to keep the possible health issues at bay.
While you are working in front of the laptop or the computer, try to blink more often as you can. Make conscious efforts to make sure you do this repeatedly. It will help to keep the eyes moistened despite their continuous exposure to the environment.

 After spending 20 minutes in front of the screen, try to look away and stare around. Do this every day and after every twenty minutes throughout the day. This way you will be able to cut off from the glare of the screen. Your eyes will be able to relax as the pressure is taken off.
Another good eye exercise is the eyeball rolling. Try to roll the eyeballs around in full circle. Do it slowly and gently. Go clockwise and then go anti-clockwise and follow the pattern for a few more times. You may also do it with your eyes closed. This eye exercise helps to reclaim the lost rejuvenation. It calms down the agitated eyes.

To fix eye strain, the best thing to do is to try to disengage yourself from your desk at equal intervals. Get up and leave the work station. Head for the washroom and splash some cold water to the tired eyes. The action will cool down the eyes creating a balmy effect on them. Take breaks in between and spend the time outside the office and amidst the greens. It is important that you do not turn on the phone during this time or else you will expose the healing process by exposing the eyesight to the glare of the phone screen again. It will defeat the purpose.

Finally, the best thing to do would be to try to cut down on the total amount of time spent in front of the screens. In fact, it will be better if you can go on a digital detox diet for, at least, once a week. This way you will be able to restrict the total span of the exposure. Also, it is always wise to clean the glasses or contact lens and frames to ensure further safety.

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